Career Coaching

Be The Best Version Of Yourself
Book An AppointmentFAQs

Be The Best Version Of Yourself!

At SMCC we believe that our careers and our lives are not mutually exclusive. The next career move you make should be an informed, calculated choice that aligns with the overall vision of your life.

In an intimate one-on-one, you will find CLARITY about your current professional situation and clearly define your goals. We will develop a STRATEGY with concrete milestones and actions to get you where you want to go. We work on COMMUNICATION – identifying the key stakeholders, right wording, and channels to support your strategy; as well as the winning MINDSET to realize your dreams.

Lastly, we act as an accountability partner to ensure COMMITMENT to the predefined strategy and execution of the necessary action steps.

Get in touch to ensure your career-life alignment for authenticity, well-being, and achievement of your personal definition of success.

Career Progression Plan

Do you feel like you aren’t seen, or that your career isn’t what it should be? Are you about to start a new job and are feeling insecure about the do’s and don’ts of the corporate world?

If you are starting a new job, it is important to hit the ground running. In your existing role, it’s critical not to become stagnant – move forward, move up or move out.

Together we will come up with a strategy and make the necessary adjustments to your profile, skillset, and your environment, for you to authentically thrive at work.

Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

Do you have a successful career but struggle with burnout, finding a work-life balance, or finding happiness. Are you prioritizing correctly and making the right sacrifices/compromises?

Our mental health is on a spectrum and should be paid attention to constantly. Without a clear vision of what you need to live your ideal life and healthy boundaries, you become a victim of yourself and those around you.

Learn how to be a high performer while safeguarding your mental health.

Communication & Conflict Management

Do you feel uncomfortable receiving or giving feedback? Are you lost for words or the right way to say what you need to say?

Our lives are a sequence of interpersonal exchanges and it can get frustrating if you cannot get your message across. Whether it’s for an upcoming speech, interview, e-mail, or a difficult discussion with a colleague, we show you the best communication style and how to set the right tone.

Reach out to get a sparring partner and mentor for communication that gets you the results you want.

Frequently Asked Questions


Coaching sessions typically take place online via Zoom, meaning you can participate from anywhere in the world as long as you have a stable internet connection.

There will be a combination of live, one-on-one sessions with Coach Sandra as well as resources for self-learning.

You will be assigned tasks to complete between the coaching sessions to be able to continue working in the next session.

You set the pace – via a link, you can simply book coaching sessions at a time that’s convenient for you.


Simply express your interest via the contact form. Tell us a bit about yourself. Include (where applicable), your current role/experience and what you are looking to achieve through coaching.

We will invite you to a free discovery call to get to know you and figure out how best we can work together.

We look forward to hearing your story!


Our services are tailored to the client’s situation and goals so, in the first step, we would like to understand what those are.

After the initial free discovery call, we will determine how best we can work together, as well as the financial and time investment.

The financial and time investment will be clearly stated in your contract.


Once we get started, you will receive an invoice with payment instructions. We accept all major credit cards, direct deposits, and PayPal transfers. A payment plan may be arranged should you be unable to make the full investment up front.

Additionally, you may use your *AVGS voucher should you qualify for support from your local employment agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) or Job Centre.

*The AVGS (Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein) is a German government funding scheme, designed to support employees and job seekers to succeed or (re)enter the job market.

  • Stop the Monday to Friday blues
  • Set healthy boundaries and preserve your mental health
  • Find out your personal definition of play and success
  • Create a career that is in line with your overall vision for your life
  • Stop being overlooked and become your best advocate
  • Brand yourself as an expert and thought leader in your sector
  • Develop your communication skills and professional etiquette

Hands-On Workshops & Interactive Talks

You can book Coach Sandra to feature on your podcast, be the speaker at your next event or moderate your panel discussion. Get in touch and tell us about your event.